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1250 used cold rolling mill

1250 used cold rolling mill


Used second hand 1250 used cold rolling mill
Hubei used 1250mm 6Hi CRM Spec.
1 material SPHC
2 Thickness/width of material 1.2~3.5/700~1250 mm Weight(t) 268
3 Thickness/width of product 0.17~1.2/700~1250 mm
4 Max weght/inner D 20t/Ф610 t/mm
5 Max force 12000 KN
6 Max torque 80 KN.M
7 speed 0-480-900 m/min
8 threading speed 18 m/min
mill house 2peices
total weight
131.6t,total unit

9 work roll Ф330-300/1400 mm
10 middle roll /1400 mm
11 backup roll Ф mm
12 bending roll 350/210 KN
13 Intermediate roll transverse force 550/350 KN
14 Intermediate roll traverse amount 200 mm
15 Maximum opening of work roll 20 mm
16 Adjust the rolling line elevation speed 2.9 mm/s
17 Adjust the elevation of the rolling line 115 mm
18 main motor Z710-2B 4 sets Weight(t) 22.4
19 1000/660 KW/V
20 450/1000 r/min
21 recoil motor Z710-4B 4 sets Weight(t) 26.2
22 800/660 KW/V
23 300/992 r/min
24 loading car 26t/Max ODФ2000mm Weight(t) 8.92
25 payoff 26t/Ф610mm 1 sets Weight(t) 25.5
26 3rolls straightener 3.5/700~1250mm 1 sets Weight(t) 15.3
27 unloading car 20t/Max ODФ1750mm 2 sets Weight(t) 16.2
28 recoiler 20t/Ф610mm 2 sets Weight(t) 61
29 car for change rolls 1 sets Weight(t) 32..3
30 car for change backup rolls 1 sets Weight(t) 6.76
31 exit rolling shear Ф320 1 sets Weight(t) 3.57
32 Vacuum stripper Ф220*1340 2 sets Weight(t) 12
33 ɤ thickness gauge 2 sets Weight(t) 1.5
34 turner roll Ф400*1400 2 sets Weight(t) 6.5
35 wraper 1 sets Weight(t) 4.35
36 Flat bed filter ZGL-07,20m3/min 1 sets Weight(t) 5.2
37 Rolling oil supply system 6500L/min,80m3,0.6 Mpa,Filtration precision:15μm 1 sets Weight(t) 25
38 making oil box 3.5m3 1 sets Weight(t) 1.2
39 oil mist lubrication device WHZ3- C63Y,63m3/h17L 1 sets Weight(t) 0.7
40 lubricating station 800L/min,0.5Mpa,16 m3 1 sets Weight(t) 9
41 screw down system 40Mpa 1.6m3,140L/min ,5 1 sets Weight(t) 3 VICKERS
42 Auxiliary hydraulic station 1.98m3 1 sets Weight(t) 7
43 Bending roll hydraulic station 0.56m3 1 sets Weight(t) 2
44 CPC hydraulic station 0.66m3 1 sets 0.8 1250*750*700
45 Oil depot ventilation system ZK30,32m3,30000m3/ h.1800Pa 1 sets Weight(t) 18
46 purging system T4-72- 12,115000m3/h.2240 1 sets Weight(t) 12
47 air compressor 21.5m3/min0.75Mpa/ 台 2 sets 6.3
48 roll grinde MK84125,Max D:1250mm,Longth:5000mm 1 sets
Xianfeng machine tool factory,Hardness meter, ultrasonic flaw detector,
49 Waste emulsion treatment plant 2 sets