4-hi AGC reverse cold rolling mill
Used second hand 4-hi AGC reverse cold rolling mill
rolling requirements:
material type stainless steel 201
material thickness:≤3.0mm material width: ≤1000mm
product thickness:≥0.25mm product width: ≤1000mm
rolling speed: design speed V≤230m/min(under load working speed 210m/min)
rolling pressure:P≤1400t
equipment compositions:
main frame: Ф190 /Ф900×1180 AGC
Ф190/Ф900×1180 4-hi AGC reverse cold rolling mill
(1)、pressing down device: servo oil cylinder made in tianjin
(2)、stand compositions:
1. 2 closed houses(column section area:500×600㎜);
2. top and bottom back up rolls are hydraulic balance, top working rolls are hydraulic lifting;
3. working rolls seam open mouth height≤20㎜,in order to enter coil;
4 with front and rear holding rolls, thickness gauge, hydraulic pressing down device and hydraulic squeeze plat form;
5. ingle side adjustable wheel entering guiding device at entrance side;
6. transmission foundation, whole set foundation bolts and stand plat form;
7.QNT-2 thickness gauges 2 pieces supplied by customer
1. working rolls diameter× rolls surface width Ф190×1180㎜
material type:9Cr2Mo
adopts rolling bearings
2. back up rolls diameter× roll surface width Ф900×1150㎜
material type:9Cr2Mo
bearings are FCDP106156570
3. lubrication type: air-oil lubrication
4. rolls changing type: hydraulic changing(with changing guide rail),working rolls hydraulic changing
(4)main transmission:
1. transmission type: back up rolls transmission
2. main motor:Z630-4A N=780KW 2 pieces n=280/850r/min(Xishan motor)
3. Herringbone gear box: compound gear box (with lubrication oil pipes)
5. cross cardan shaft:SWC490(stretching type)cardan hydraulic shaft hugging device
hydraulic expanding uncoiler configuration:
uncoiling type: uncoiling direction is upward, composed of cone, main body, foundation, pressing rolls and trolley.
Cone composed of 4 fan plates, rotating oil provider give oil for expanding cylinder, reducer box is welded, pressing rolls composed of rack, pressing rolls and hydraulic cylinder, fixed on uncoiler body.
cone dimension:Ф490-Ф518×1200mm
motor:Z4-315-42 N=315KW n=750/1600r/min (Xishan motor)
max coil weight:20T max coil diameter:φ1800㎜
trolley driven by hydraulic motor, lifting oil cylinder
3-roll powerless leveling: rolls Ф160×1180mm
top rolls hydraulic actions
c. solid coiler 2 pieces
1. cone dimension:Ф500×1180mm
2. motor:Z630-4A N=830KW n=280/850r/min (Xishan motor)
3 motor:ZLY710 (Tailong)
4. coiling tension:≤20T max coil weight:20T max coil diameter:φ1800㎜
5. rolls pressing device top pressing type(encapsulation)
d. hydraulic station
1. 11MPa 一台 1 piece of middle pressure 11MPa;
2. condenser、energy saver、pressure gauge、3-level filter、unloading device overflow valve、system pressure control function。
e. oil lubrication station:125L/min 1 piece
(lubrication for rolling mill, coiler reducer, Herringbone gear and bearings)
f. electrical control: remote
It adopts SIEMENS 2-bridge 4-phase weak magnetic adjusting device, simulation constant tension control method. Relay system control, with programmable PLC (Siemens). Current, voltage and other parameters display on instruments.
C. installation and test running:
1. seller will foundation drawing and rolls drawings in 1 month after contract come into force;
2. seller will provide easy wear parts list and electrical drawing ;
3. seller will help installation and test running。
Mechanical and hydraulic sections were made in 2014.Electric system will be made new.